Morten Ryberg (Siegen)
Buddhist mindfulness & meditation teacher

Morten Ryberg is a leading Buddhist teacher renowned for his expertise in integrating meditation and mindfulness practices into the business world.

With a background in both leadership roles within national and international companies and extensive authentic Buddhist meditation and mindfulness training, Morten offers a unique perspective on personal and professional development.

Mortens teachings are grounded in practicality and relevance, providing practitioners with accessible tools and training to harness the power of the mind for positive behavioral changes. 

Morten's offerings range from individual training programs to team training sessions and intensive retreats, catering to the diverse needs of organizations seeking to empower their teams and foster a culture of mindfulness, well-being and high perfomance. With Morten's guidance, practitioners can unlock their full mental potential and lead their work-lives with clarity, compassion, and purpose.

Siegen is my Buddhist name given to me by my sensei Shomon Pia Trans. Its translates to: Holy source.


    “Meditation at work could sound like a luxury but it is actually a fantastic way to get grounded and focused. Afterwards, you're basically a better version of your self. With Morten as your teacher, it is a wonderfull experience.”

    Senior Vice President - Novo Nordisk A/S


    “Participating in a month long meditation course with Morten has been the best investment in my mental health I ever made (and I rarely use big words like ever, never, always etc)”

    Head of CX and Data, Aller Media Denmark


    “If you are interested in diving in to the world of meditation, and are offered a chance to join one of Mortens classes, I would highly encourage you to do it.
    Don't be fooled - the course is not easy and you will need to put in the effort and energy every single day. Morten has the empathy to know when to push and when to pull, but you need to make a decision to really give it a go.”

    Associate Partner, Valcon


    “Dear Morten, thank you for a lovely session! Best wishes Karsten”

    CFO, Novo Nordisk A/S


    “The course I followed with Morten challenged my perception of meditation and mindfulness through deep self-reflection. Morten expertly guided the reflection sessions and always had very perceptive and apt questions to help us along.
    I would say that this course is perfect for those who aren't afraid to challenge themselves, who want to learn more about themselves, and particularly those who are ready to start a good habit for themselves.”

    ESG Data Engineer, Allianz Commercial


    “I can give Morten my best recommendations. I know Morten as a professional, trustworthy and engaged person who has deep insight.”

    HR Manager, FLSmidth


    “Det er med stor fornøjelse, at jeg giver Morten min anbefaling. Morten har fra første kontakt været yderst professionel, lydhør og serviceorienteret. Han er skarp analytisk og smidig forretningsmæssig, og har med denne facon virkelig formået at opnå en sjælden og troværdig relation til Bang & Olufsen.”

    Director HRD&R, Bang & Olufsen


I offer a wide range of services and products, including one-on-one personal meditation courses, meditation courses for teams and business areas, inspirational teambuilding workshops, keynotes for large audiences, and a variety of free meditation resources. These services are offered solely B2B. If you are interested in my services as a private customer please contact me.


Click the icon above to learn more about the courses that I offer.

Workshops & keynotes

Click the icon above to learn more about the workshops and keynotes that I offer.

Free ressources

Click the icon above to learn more about the free resources that I offer.
Charlotte Weimann Vilner  - Head of P&O Communication, Novo Nordisk A/S

“Most in our team hadn’t tried meditation before, and plunging in at work did take a bit of courage and opening of mindset.
Afterwards, everyone agreed it had been a valuable and important experience – not least holding up the mirror to reflect on what it means to be aware and attentive around others.”

Head of P&O Communication, Novo Nordisk A/S
Torben Bundgård - Head of Reputation & Corporate Brand, Novo Nordisk A/S

“Everything lived up to my expectations, and I´ve recomended you to my colleague, who will contact you for a similar workshop.”

Head of Reputation & Corporate Brand, Novo Nordisk A/S
Benedikte Larsen - Head of Digital Communications, Novo Nordisk A/S

“Thanks for sharing and teaching us more about meditation. Everyone was wildly excited afterwards; Good thoughts and exercises for posterity”

Head of Digital Communications, Novo Nordisk A/S


Contact & information


Morten Ryberg

Address: Københavnsvej 24B, 3650 Ølstykke, Denmark
Phone: +45 5193 2869
CVR: 32600158


Danske Bank:
Reg: 3409 - Konto: 13214352
SWIFT: DABADKKK - IBAN:DK9430000013214352